Programme Type:

Course Overview

As a student of the BA Acting and Performance you will undertake an intensive conservatoire style training focusing on specialist stage and screen acting techniques combined with creative composition and theatre making strategies designed to develop you as a highly flexible performer ready for the demands of this challenging industry.

Acting students study weekly text, movement and voice classes throughout their first year.  Under the direction of our professional voice coach all students will train with the acclaimed Estill vocal training method towards an Estill Figure Proficiency Level 1 certificate (EPT) widely recognised throughout the industry as the gold-standard of voice training.

Your acting skills will be applied to a series of professional-style briefs including scene studies and small and large-scale productions allowing you to showcase your work regularly throughout the course. You will be taught by industry and academic practitioners delivering the best contemporary acting training methods whilst simultaneously developing your ability to make your own original theatre work, creating a portfolio of flexible skills and training fully suited to the professional, creative world of tomorrow.

Your final semester will be focused entirely on developing your showcase project in acting, directing, writing or multimedia, immersive or physical theatre performance. This project will be supervised by a member of the academic team with their own industry practice and will allow you to prepare a significant piece of work to launch you into the industry on graduation.

Entry Requirement 

Academic Requirements:

A successful audition is required for entry to this course. In addition, students will be expected to have achieved at least 112 UCAS points in a level 3 Drama, Theatre or Acting qualification.


The fee shown is for entry 2021/22

  • UK fee: £9250
  • International fee: £14900

Total course fee:

  • UK fee:  £27750
  • International fee: £44700

This information was accurate on : 08/05/2021
Please contact us for more information about this courses

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