Programme Type:

Course Overview

This discipline encompasses a wide skills base and the course equips graduates with the knowledge, skills, professionalism, and confidence to thrive in the always-evolving field of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, as well as gaining the transferrable skills to find employment in a diverse set of industrial, commercial and research sectors.

Through special option modules, this course can provide graduates with expertise and specialisation in areas that are rapidly evolving and have, possibly, the highest employability potential in Engineering:

  • Telecommunications and Mobile Technologies
  • Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems

Employability is central to our degree provision and through this programme students will develop the necessary electrical and electronic engineering skills to ensure their successful career in this field. Course delivery allows students to concentrate in their chosen area depending on module choices, including Telecommunications, Mobile Technologies, Renewable Energy Systems, Digital Design, Electronics, and Power Systems. This ensures their studies are shaped to suit their career aspirations.

We consider the practical experience an important component of our students’ future employability. Through a number of modules, students will have the opportunity to get hands-on, practical understanding and experience to enhance their skills. Industrial placements may also be available for students to broaden their practical work experience and to consolidate their learning, as well as establishing a professional network that can provide them with a significant advantage in their early career development.

Entry Requirement 

The minimum entry requirements are:

  • Apolytirion or High School leaving Certificate or other equivalents.
  • Knowledge of English Language.


€8500 per year (60 ECTS) from the original fee of €9950 after the discount of €1450 per year UCLan Cyprus Bursary.

This information was accurate on : 18/01/2021
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