Programme Type:

Course Overview

The curriculum consists of rigorous science- and policy-based courses and experiential learning that prepare our students for exciting careers in the environmental field.

At a time when the United States federal government appears indifferent to, or even hostile towards, responsible and forward-looking environmental stewardship, the Department of Environmental Science recommits itself to advancing informed, knowledge-based approaches to confronting local and global environmental concerns.

Entry Requirement 

Admission to the Program:
Admission to the program is through formal declaration of the major through the Department of Environmental Science.

University Requirements:

  • 120 credit hours with minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA (Undergraduate Academic Regulation 2)
  • Completion of all requirements for a major (Undergraduate Academic Regulation 9)


Undergraduate Students:

Undergraduate Credit Rate Tuition Total
Part-Time (less than 12 credit hours per credit hour) $1516*
Full-Time (12-17.5 credit hours) $22744*
Full-Time(18 credit hours)


This information was accurate on : 30/11/2020
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