Programme Type:

Course Overview

Besides training for a career or graduate study in chemistry, bachelor's students are prepared for medical or dental school, engineering programs, and other careers where technical expertise is needed. The department provides a personal, congenial environment where both male and female students can develop and pursue a flexible program of study designed to fulfill individual interests and needs.  

Full-time faculty teach the majority of courses at all levels and work one on one with students doing research.

Students are encouraged to participate in research projects at all levels. The Schwartz fellowship supports two or three undergraduates who wish to do research in the department during the summer.

Entry Requirement 

Admission to the Program:

Formal admission to the major requires a grade point average of 2.00 (on a 4.00 scale). The department counsels freshmen and transfer students, as well as declared chemistry majors.

University Requirements:

  • 120 credit hours with minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA (Undergraduate Academic Regulation 2)
  • Completion of all requirements for a major (Undergraduate Academic Regulation 9)



Undergraduate Students:

Undergraduate Credit Rate Tuition Total
Part-Time (less than 12 credit hours per credit hour) $1516*
Full-Time (12-17.5 credit hours) $22744*
Full-Time(18 credit hours)


This information was accurate on : 30/11/2020
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