Programme Type:

Course Overview

The quality of the Geological Sciences program at Geneseo is evidenced by the achievements of its graduates: SUNY Geneseo ranks fourth in the nation among masters institutions for the percentage of geoscience alumni who go on to earn doctorates.

Geneseo students with a broad, interdisciplinary interest in sciences, a curiosity of how the Earth works, and an appreciation for the natural world should become a geoscientist. With the option of pursuing a B.A. in Geology, Geochemistry, or Geophysics, students at SUNY Geneseo engage in a challenging and rewarding curriculum taught by an enthusiastic and dedicated faculty with a broad range of expertise.

In contrast to this pluralistic ideal, geoscience has a complicated history with race, class, gender, and ability that we often fail to discuss and is at present, one of the least diverse, equitable, and inclusive fields of science and engineering in the United States.  Members of our community have faced harassment, exclusion, and/or disadvantage because of their race, ethnicity, sexual and gender identity, and disability status. In addition to the underrepresentation and exclusion of people with marginalized identities, the field of Geoscience has benefited from colonialism and the exploration and exploitation of natural resources that have resulted in genocide, war, theft, and other atrocities. Furthermore, some people with power and privilege pervert evolutionary theory to justify racist, sexist, homophobic, and ableist ideas and policies that assuaged this theft and perpetuate oppression.  We confront this difficult history and the resulting injustices by ending our collective silence, committing to antiracism, and changing the way we work, teach, and support students.

Entry Requirement 

Minimum Competency Requirement

A grade of C– or better is required for each of the following courses: GSCI 160, 161, 170, 210, 220, 315/320, and 391; CHEM 166/203, 119, 188/204, 125, 211/223, 216 and 213/224.

Writing Requirement

Students in geochemistry will satisfy the writing requirement of either the Department of Geological Sciences or Chemistry. The determination will be made by Dr. Sheldon, the program coordinator, and/or advisor upon review of the student’s course selection. Students must consult with their advisors to ensure that they meet the college’s writing requirements.


Item Cost
Tuition $16980
Fees $1786
Room Rent*1 $8370
Meal Plan*1 $4536
Total Costs $31672

This information was accurate on : 15/03/2021
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