Programme Type:

Course Overview

Why Major in African American and African Diaspora Studies?

The black communities in both the New and Old Worlds have been essential to the story of human history; studying these peoples in all forms and consequences is a foundational moral and educational necessity.

The African American and African Diaspora Studies program offers a rigorous interdisciplinary curriculum that provides students with an understanding of the historical and contemporary realities of African-descended peoples in the United States and across the diaspora. Students explore Black social movements and race politics, racial ideologies and critical race theory, and the distinctive artistic, literary, cultural practices of African peoples worldwide.

Why Minor in African American and African Diaspora Studies?

A minor in African American and African Diaspora Studies will add depth to your major and program of studies. Six of the eighteen credits in a minor in AFAM may be cross-counted towards another major or minor. Consult your advisor and course catalog before declaring/registering.

Entry Requirement 

Admission to the Program:

Formal admission to the program requires a grade point average of 2.00 (on a 4.00 scale) and the approval of the program director.

University Requirements:

120 credit hours with minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA (Undergraduate Academic Regulation 2)

Completion of all requirements for a major (Undergraduate Academic Regulation 9)

Major Requirements:

36 credit hours with grades of C or better, including at least 18 credit hours at or above 300-level


Part-Time (less than 12 credit hours per credit hour) : $1516*

Full-Time (12-17.5 credit hours) : $22744*

Full-Time(18 credit hours) : $24259*

Above 18 credit hours Students are charged $1516* per additional credit hour

* Tution Rates are for Spring 2021 only. 

This information was accurate on : 23/11/2020
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