Programme Type:

Course Overview

Throughout this programme, candidates will develop students’ research skills through quality supervision, methodologies learned from the curriculum, and actual application of a research project on a topic of interest (entirely by research without the teaching practicum component). As candidates, you’re required to take courses in Advanced Quantitative Research Methods and Advanced Qualitative Research Methods. 

Gain not a greater academic insight into the topic, but be a specialist in the subject with ethical values, social responsibility, and professionalism.

Entry Requirement 

English proficiency with either 600 in TOEFL or with a minimum score of 6 in IELTS; or

Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field of study with first-class honors; or

Completed Master of Education or * Master’s degree in a relevant field of study; or

Any equivalent qualifications in a related field of study recognized by the Malaysian Government and University’s Senate.


This information was accurate on : 13/02/2021
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