Programme Type:

Course Overview

It focuses on the current challenges and policy debates in global responses in meeting the mental health and psychosocial needs of populations affected by poverty, instability, displacement and conflict.

We examine the political, historical, social, cultural and economic foundations that underlie contemporary conflicts and explore concepts of vulnerability and resilience of individuals and households and their interaction with service providers in conflict and post-conflict settings.

It will also be possible for you to undertake modules that focus on strategies for rebuilding the health system in fragile and post-conflict states and a targeted module focused on refugee integration into host societies.

The MSc will help you to consolidate and extend learning in the area of how to incorporate MHPSS strategies and consideration into other health and humanitarian provision and will equip you to work effectively at the senior level to promote mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of people in high, low and middle-income settings through effective and responsive programming.

Instead of our broader MSc Global Health, you can choose a more focused pathway at the outset with our MSc Mental Health and Psychosocial Support. We have deliberately designed our courses to be as flexible as possible. This will allow you to apply for the course that best suits your career needs and revise your choice before progressing to the dissertation stage (subject to having studied the appropriate modules.)

This degree focuses on the current challenges and policy debates in local/ national/global responses to meeting the mental health and psychosocial needs of populations affected by poverty, instability, displacement, and conflict. This degree provides health and humanitarian workers with the skills to incorporate Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) strategies and consideration into other health and humanitarian provision.

The course will equip you to work effectively at the senior level to promote the mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of people in high, low, and middle-income settings who have been affected by migration and to incorporate mental health considerations into existing health and social services through effective and responsive programming.

Entry Requirement 

A UK honours degree or equivalent from a relevant subject area (arts, humanities, health or social sciences). Students without an honours degree may be considered if they have other relevant qualifications and/or appropriate work experience.

International: Where your honours degree has not been studied in English, you will be required to provide evidence of English language competence at no less than IELTS 6.0 with no individual component score less than 5.5.


Scot/UK/ROI Student Fee: £720 per 15 credits / £960 per 20 credits

Scot/UK/ROI Dissertation: £1460

International Student Fee: £1515 per 15 credits / £2020 per 20 credits

International Dissertation: £3380

This information was accurate on : 16/04/2021
Please contact us for more information about this courses

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