Programme Type:

Course Overview

The overall aim of this programme is for you to continue to develop yourself and your leadership and management skills by understanding and reflecting on people and team’s behaviours and their effect on an organisation’s development and its ability to improve. The programme explores global health challenges and their relevance to your everyday practice. This will develop your research and leadership skills to enhance your critical thinking.

This programme’s core modules can be studied individually or can be combined into a Postgraduate Certificate. You can study 3 additional modules and gain a Postgraduate Diploma, and to achieve a Masters Degree you are also required to undertake the Dissertation module.

  • Highly experienced lecturers that presently work across many different industries/sectors 
  • A unique range of topics that can be applied to your work environment
  • Unique access to IBA (Intelligent Behaviour Analytics®) software
  • A flexible approach to how the student combines modules
  • A good preparation for many roles in the healthcare sector
  • Attending this programme gives you access to a specialised network of professionals

Entry Requirement 

Academic Requirements 


An honours degree of a British University or equivalent institution (minimum 2:2) OR An equivalent graduate level qualification from an overseas university or equivalent institution (minimum 2:2)

Students should have previous level 6 awards or provide evidence of equivalent study. International students will also  additionally require an IELTS score of 6 in all of the exam domains.

If you have not previously studied at level 6 you will be offered the opportunity, (if considered appropriate), prior to commencement of a module to write a reflective piece on how the module/programme would benefit and progress your professional development and how this would impact on your service/organisation.


Full-Time fee:  £13200 per year

This information was accurate on : 05/05/2021
Please contact us for more information about this courses

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