Programme Type:

Course Overview

The DBA has two distinct levels, Level 7 and Level 8. Level 7 consists of 120 taught credits and a 60-credit independent research report. The independent research report represents the development of the student's research thus far and must include: their refined research question, an appreciation of the (phenomenological) theoretical ground in which their research sits, an overview of the existing research, research methodology and proposed research methods.

Successful completion of Level 7 allows students to progress to Level 8 which comprises of the doctoral thesis.


The Doctor of Business Administration is offered on a part time and full time basis. Part time students study three modules each academic year for two years. Full time students study all six taught modules in one academic year.

All taught modules are delivered in weeklong blocks from Monday to Friday. All modules are delivered via a blended mixture of classroom and online lecture and tutorial workshops where students are actively encouraged to interact and contribute to the learning experience.

Entry Requirement 

Admission to the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) normally requires a Masters degree from a recognised academic institution. In addition, all applicants are required to provide evidence of significant professional or managerial experience.

All applicants must be able to access organisations to conduct their research. This will normally be your employing organisation but may include others. Access to support for the research study is essential in terms of initial selection and for the duration of the programme.

Applications must include two references on headed paper from your referees which should be uploaded as a supporting document. Please note, we can not accept applications without these two references. At least one referee should be able to comment on your academic/professional ability. References provided by relatives are not acceptable.

You are required to provide a detailed doctoral research proposal prior to the acceptance stage. All applications will be considered by the University’s Research Applications Panel. Once your research proposal has been submitted and approved, you will be subject to a formal interview; this may be a panel interview.

International candidates whose first language is not English should have been taught and assessed in English and be able to evidence English fluency to TOEFL 570 or IELTS 6.5 or higher.


This information was accurate on : 28/04/2021
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