About Riga Management College

In January 2017 College signed an agreement with the Baltic International Academy. The subject of the agreement relates to premises rent, which significantly improves the conditions of studies for college students, as well as future cooperation between the two institutions that will improve college graduate possibilities of continuing their studies.

The main priority of College is high-quality education, which is not possible without highly qualified academic staff. The improvement and reinforcement of the academic staff is an ongoing process and the major changes in the academic staff list at the beginning of the year 2017 is a clear demonstration of it.

The College premises are suitable for people with movement disorders.

We offer students get a higher education diploma in 2 years and start their career. Study process organized to prepare top businessmen and company leaders. After finishing the course student will be able to organize all management and lead own company.

Many students after getting a diploma to continue their studies in Latvian Universities to develop themselves. Riga Management college has a partnership with most of the Latvian Universities, where will be easy to continue studies. Students can participate in the Erasmus+ program (Student exchange program)

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