Programme Type:

Course Overview

 The programme draws on the expertise and resources of the Centre in terms of teaching staff (with core teaching staff all actively involved in research) and experimental facilities. Students on the MSc programme have the opportunity to use Fire SERT's state-of-the-art facilities both within the taught programme and to progress experimental research projects which are often designed to complement current research projects being undertaken by staff. Students also have the opportunity to work closely with practitioners in the design module to develop a fire safety strategy for a real complex building.

Entry Requirement 

Applicants should:

(a) Have gained:

(i) An Honours or non-Honours degree in a related science or engineering discipline from a University of the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland, from the Council for National Academic Awards, the National Council for Educational Awards, the Higher Education and Training Awards Council, or from an institution of another country which is recognised as being of an equivalent standard; or

(ii) Have gained an equivalent standard in a Postgraduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Graduate Certificate or an approved alternative qualification;

b) Hold an A level pass in GCE Mathematics at Grade C or alternatively the applicant's primary degree must have a significant mathematics base to at least A level standard.

English Language Requirements

English language requirements for international applicants
The minimum requirement for this course is Academic IELTS 6.0 with no band score less than 5.5. Trinity ISE: Pass at level III also meets this requirement for Tier 4 visa purposes.

Ulster recognizes a number of other English language tests and comparable IELTS equivalent scores.


Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland Fees


International Fees


This information was accurate on : 14/04/2021
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