Programme Type:

Course Overview

You'll be working with French construction companies whilst undertaking the MSc Construction Management. This puts you in the ideal position to learn the theory whilst putting it into action in real-world environments.

The programme has been developed to meet the requirements of experienced site managers and help develop your career towards senior management positions in construction contracting organisations.

In addition, you will also: 

  • Acquire the tools to address the challenges of managing complex construction projects for the built environment.
  • Acquire the tools to deliver solutions which enable efficient and effective use of limited resources whilst recognising environmental concerns and changing social requirements.
  • Learn how to lead multi-disciplinary teams formed of a variety of key stakeholders which are tasked with delivering high-quality urban environments.
  • Develop and undertake an in-depth investigation in areas of interest relevant to construction management which integrates knowledge gained, working to a restricted timescale.

The programme is designed to produce highly skilled graduates who are capable of addressing the challenges of managing complex construction. You'll be able to deliver solutions that enable the efficient and effective use of limited resources whilst recognising environmental concerns and changing social environments.

Entry Requirement 


This information was accurate on : 26/02/2021
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