Programme Type:

Course Overview

Accounting is so much more than numbers. Accountants reside at the intersection of art and science, analyzing and reporting financial status to foster success in all types of organizations.

When you study accounting, you hone your eye for meaningful detail and develop the business insight, management skills, and solid ethics vital in a global marketplace.

An Accounting Degree at Work

In a competitive job market, demand for accountants continues to grow. That’s because a good accountant’s analytical thinking, ethical decision-making, and grasp of complex financial information can change the course of business.

With these skills, you can make a difference in any sector, from corporate to nonprofit and education to small business.

An accounting major’s career options include:

  • Investment banking
  • International accounting
  • Internal auditing
  • Tax planning
  • Certified Public Accounting
  • Government accounting
  • Nonprofit administration
  • Management accounting
  • Budget analysis
  • Environmental accounting
  • Financial planning

Entry Requirement 

Admission Requirements:

The accounting sequence, 128 credits, results in a four-year B.B.A. degree, which prepares students to work in accounting in organizations such as service, banking and manufacturing.

If students desire to take the CPA exam and work as a certified public accountant, an additional 22 credits are required. These extra credits can be in any area of study. Students can complete the additional requirements by taking extra courses during summer or J-term sessions, taking an overload during the regular semesters (over four full courses), or some combination of the above. 

Note that for existing SNC students, a maximum of three courses (9 to 12 credits) can be transferred into SNC. Courses taken at other qualifying institutions beyond the allowed amount cannot count toward the 150 credits needed to take the CPA exam.

Residency Requirement
In order to earn a B.B.A. degree from St. Norbert College, a student must earn satisfactory credit in at least six required business courses (ACCT/BUAD) at St. Norbert College.

Double Major
Accounting students may double major and can have the following combinations of two majors: ACCT-BUAD, ACCT-IBLAS. Accounting majors who choose to double major in BUAD must select a concentration in BUAD.

Independent Study
The number of independent studies in the 128 credits required for the B.B.A. degree is limited to three.

The internship course, BUAD 494, can be taken only once for credit. The internship course, ACCT 495, can be taken for 8 credits as long as the student has not received credit for BUAD 494. This limit does n


The tuition for full-time undergraduate students for the 2021-22 academic year is $41072. Tuition is the same for full-time students taking 3 to 4.5 cull courses each semester (12-18 total credits).

This information was accurate on : 07/05/2021
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