Programme Type:

Course Overview

A Master's degree from a different subject is the solution for Bachelor's graduates who want to specifically acquire a lack of specialist business knowledge through the Master's degree. With our non-scientific Master International Business, you can obtain a Master's degree in business administration with any first degree in order to broaden your professional perspective.

The students receive a sound business management education in a foreign master's programme. Due to the international focus of the program of foreign Masters in International Business, they are trained as international management experts.

In addition to the basic principles of business administration, accounting, and controlling, the prospective managers also learn about human resource management, international marketing, and international business management.

You will also expand your language skills.

Entry Requirement 

For admission to the course of study, the following proof is required:

  • A successfully completed bachelor's degree, comprising at least 180 ECTS points, or
  • An equivalent course of study at a university or university of applied sciences or a foreign university or equivalent level, and
  • The submission of the application documents as well as
  • Participation in a multi-level entrance test (written and oral).

Please register online or in writing with the application form for the admission test. You will then receive a confirmation of enrolment with the concrete date.

Please submit your application documents no later than two working days before your admission test.

International applicants who require a visa for study in Germany must submit their application documents by

  • Spring term: December 15th
  • Fall term: July 15th of the same year.

ISM Bachelor graduates should also register online for the admission test.


6180 Euros per semester (1st – 3rd semester) in Dortmund and Berlin
6480 Euros per semester (1st – 3rd semester) in Frankfurt/Main and Munich monthly payment possible

Enrollment fee (EU- & EWR-students): 600 Euros

Enrollment fee (Non-EU-students): 1500 Euro

Thesis fee (4th semester): 1200 Euro at all campuses

This information was accurate on : 28/01/2021
Please contact us for more information about this courses

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