Programme Type:

Course Overview

Students on an F-1 or J-1 visa take the full program, while students on a tourist visa can enroll in individual courses. Students have the opportunity to attend CU Law School events, lectures, and activities. Students who have been conditionally admitted to the CU Law School and who choose to enroll in the Legal English Program must successfully complete all requirements of the Legal English Program prior to beginning their LLM program at the university.  

Entry Requirement 

Practicing International lawyers who are not conditionally admitted to the CU Law School must have a minimum B2 CEFR proficiency level or a 72 TOEFL score to register for the program. 


Full-Time Tuition Fees:

(24 hours per week)

Application Processing Charge $100
8-Week Tuition $4550
Mandatory Charges $369.18
Estimated Housing and Meals $3700
Estimated Personal Expenses* $1800
Estimated Total $10519.18

This information was accurate on : 15/03/2021
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