Programme Type:

Course Overview

As a Suffolk economics student, you’ll analyze slow economic growth and persistent high levels of unemployment in many advanced countries. You’ll also study rising income inequality and health care costs. Plus, you’ll explore climate change, volatile oil prices, government deficits and debt levels, immigration, and currency crises and their effect on the global economy.

The Economics Department's curriculum is designed to prepare you for graduate studies and for careers that require strong analytical, quantitative, critical thinking, and communication skills. These include positions in financial institutions, corporations, government agencies, and international organizations—just the kind of employers you'll find right around the corner from Suffolk in Boston's Financial District. Whatever your economic interests are, your professors will help you land a career-shaping internship close to campus.

Sawyer Business School offers a degree in Business Economics which combines the strengths of the Economics major with a business core. Suffolk undergraduate Economics and Business Economics majors are eligible for preferred admission to Boston College's Applied Economics graduate program.

Entry Requirement 

Program Direct International Year One
1-Semester 2-Semester 3-Semester
Program Requirements High school diploma High school diploma
Minimum GPA Equivalent 2.7 2.2 2.2 2.2
TOEFL iBT 79 79 60 50
IELTS 6.5 6.5 5.5 5.0
IELA 176 176 162 154
Duolingo 105 105 90 75
Academic English N/A N/A Level 4 N/A

Note: Entry requirements are subject to change and may vary by program


  International Year One or Undergraduate Transfer Program(UTP) Undergraduate Direct
Program Length 1 Semesters 2 Semesterm 3 Semester (Not available for UTP) 1 Semesters 2 Semesters
Tution & Fees $24370 $42395 $51510 $20504 $41010

This information was accurate on : 21/12/2020
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