Programme Type:

Course Overview

 We believe that theoretical understanding, empirical investigation, and policy analysis are enriched by study of the evolution of economic ideas and economic institutions.

Our mission is to provide undergraduate and graduate education, and faculty research, that enrich economic analysis and policy by implementing pluralist analytical approaches grounded in historical and empirical context. Offering graduate and undergraduate degrees, minors, and certificates in a heterodox atmosphere in addition to the Program on Gender Analysis and Info-Metrics Institute. 

Entry Requirement 

Admission to the Program:
Formal admission to the major requires a minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA and the approval of the department undergraduate advisor. Intended majors must also have a 2.5 GPA in ECON-100, ECON-150 or ECON-200, and STAT-202, STAT-203, or STAT-204.

University Requirements:

  • 120 credit hours with minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA (Undergraduate Academic Regulation 2)
  • Completion of all requirements for a major (Undergraduate Academic Regulation 9)


Undergraduate Students:

Undergraduate Credit Rate Tuition Total
Part-Time (less than 12 credit hours per credit hour) $1516*
Full-Time (12-17.5 credit hours) $22744*
Full-Time(18 credit hours)


This information was accurate on : 30/11/2020
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