Programme Type:

Course Overview

This three-year nutrition with food marketing degree focuses on developing your critical and analytical skills. Ensuring you will graduate as a conscientious and socially aware food professional, ready for a career in nutrition and marketing. 

Our industry-recognized qualification helps to fast-track your career. You will be able to apply for direct entry into the UK Voluntary Register of Nutritionists as soon as you graduate.

Our degree's teaching is informed by the research carried out by experts based at Newcastle University. This guarantees your studies are at the cutting edge of industry developments, so you graduate with the most up-to-date knowledge of nutrition and food marketing. 

You'll explore topics such as: human nutrition, marketing strategy, and consumer behavior while developing a holistic understanding of the global food system. 

Entry Requirement 

A Level: AAB

IB: 34 points


Fees (per year)

  • Home: £9250
  • International: £23400

This information was accurate on : 04/01/2021
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