Programme Type:

Course Overview

Your learning will include the modern production methods and management of plant crops, agronomy, and post-harvest issues. You’ll explore the current issue of international food security, developing the scientific and technical knowledge, skills and experience to help tackle this challenge.

This course explores both regional and international green spaces. You'll look at the development of spaces for specific communities, and evaluate and devise strategies for their management. You'll also examine the role of social, economic and cultural influences on the development of designed landscapes. This includes looking at the creation and management of future sustainable landscapes.

Entry Requirement 

English Language Requirements

If English is not your first language you need to show us that your language skills are strong enough for intensive academic study. We usually ask for an IELTS test and we accept some alternative English language tests.


Full-Time Course Fee


This information was accurate on : 05/03/2021
Please contact us for more information about this courses

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