Programme Type:

Course Overview

Our MB BS programme uses a modern and innovative integrated case-led teaching approach, and you'll be taught in a vibrant learning environment.

This course will prepare you to work as a doctor anywhere in the world, in both the clinical and academic arena.

Programme structure :

Years 1 and 2

In Years 1 and 2 you'll study key subject areas including medical sciences, clinical skills, ethics and professionalism. You'll be based primarily on campus in Newcastle with frequent visits to hospitals and general practices around the regional medical school. You'll cover a series of twenty-four clinical cases to put your learning into context and provide you with the essentials of medical practice.

Years 3 to 5

In years 3 to 5 you'll gain clinical experience through placements in our clinical base units across the region. You'll undergo a series of rotations, clerkships, assistantships and placements that cover all relevant areas of medicine and surgery. We'll place further emphasis on professional development, student choice, and hospital- and community-based medicine. This develops your specialist knowledge, skills and professional behaviour, preparing you for your future career as a doctor.

Throughout the final three years of the programme, there will be opportunities for student choice. This includes two four-week student selected components and an eight-week elective.

Teaching methods

At Newcastle you'll receive case-led teaching, which means using clinical cases to help you make the links between your new knowledge and clinical practice. For example a case of stroke can be used to learn and teach the nervous system, cardiovascular system, clinical skills, pharmacology, Public Health and communication skills.

Skills and experience :

Research skills

We’re a Centre of Excellence in translational (so-called ‘bench-to-bedside’) research.

This means teaching on our programme is research led. Strong links with our research teams mean there are many opportunities for students to spend time in research labs and facilities as part of short projects or as part of intercalation onto a master's degree.

Professional skills

To prepare you for your future profession we'll help you develop the key skills of communication, information handling, reasoning, judgement, reflective practice and decision-making.

You will be prepared for ongoing professional development and, through this, you will be able to adapt to future developments in medicine.

Clinical skills

With our integrated case led teaching approach you will meet patients and learn the relevant clinical skills from the very beginning of our programme. Our regional medical school provides cutting-edge teaching facilities combined with a diverse population and environment for you to develop into a doctor of the future.

Entry Requirement 

  • A Level: AAA
  • IB: 38 points


Fees (per year)
International: £34800

This information was accurate on : 04/01/2021
Please contact us for more information about this courses

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