Programme Type:

Course Overview

The Kinesiology Department at Sonoma State provides students with well-structured set of curricular and co-curricular experiences, academic advising, and mentorship. Our current and past students credit our small classes, teaching-focused faculty, proactive advising, opportunities to engage in research, and meaningful field experiences for their positive
experience in Kinesiology.

Kinesiology studies human movement from multiple perspectives – biological, behavioral, and socio-cultural – to prepare students to lead and participate in a modern, complex society. Our graduates acquire the knowledge and experiences

  • to prepare for pre-professional training for physical therapy, occupational therapy, medicine, and other allied health fields
  • to pursue graduate study in exercise science, physical education, adapted physical education, sport management, and public health
  • to work in fitness and sport industries, teaching and coaching, and various allied-health setting.

Entry Requirement 


Undergraduate student charges and fees per semester
Type of Charges 1-6 Units/Semester 7+ Units/Semester
Tuition Fees $1665 $2871
Campus-based Fees $1159 $1159
Undergraduate (TOTAL) $2824 $4030

This information was accurate on : 30/05/2022
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