Programme Type:

Course Overview

The A-Level in biology contains elements of biochemistry, physiology and ecology. Assignments will be set through a combination of coursework. This may include practice exams and fieldwork. You will need to show your ability to understand practical experiments.

What you'll learn?

  • Cells as the units of life
  • Biochemical processes
  • DNA and cells
  • Natural selection
  • Organisms in their environment
  • Observation and experiment

Entry Requirement 

English language entry requirements: IELTS 5.5 or equivalent (IELTS 6.0 for 3-term A Level; April start and A2 Level) or equivalent
Academic entry requirements:  4 GCSE passes at grade C or above in relevant subjects, or equivalent evidence of a good secondary or high school education



This information was accurate on : 06/10/2020
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