About Academies Australasia College

Academies Australasia College (AAC) is a leading education provider in Singapore, offering Cambridge Primary programme, Certificate in English courses, Singapore Government School Preparatory courses, as well as Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses. AAC is a part of the Academies Australasia Group.

Established in 1908, Academies Australasia has been operating for more than 111 years. It has a long and successful experience in education – going back in excess of 50 years.

Listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) over 42 years ago, it is Australia’s longest listed education group. Public listed status means that apart from having to meet the well-regarded and carefully supervised standards of the education sector, Academies Australasia colleges must also comply with the strict financial and reporting regulations of the ASX.

Academies Australasia colleges offer more than 200 qualifications to about 14,000 students across campuses in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane, Gold Coast, and Dubbo - in 5 states in Australia. We also have a college in Singapore that offers Australian-standard courses. Our students come from 130 countries (including 6 dependencies). This diverse student population creates a truly unique learning experience for our students.

Since October 2009, following the acquisition of a controlling stake in Washington Institute (subsequently renamed ‘Academies Australasia College‘) the Group also has to comply with the requirements of the education authorities in Singapore.

The school has committed to offering each student a clean, healthy, and conducive environment for learning. As users of these facilities, students are encouraged to assist the school in keeping the classrooms clean and tidy. Vandalism of any sort will not be tolerated. The school does not permit students to consume any snacks or drinks in the classroom.

Available Courses